Try this high-intensity circuit challenge to test both your cardio and body weight strength. This awesome little blaster has a range of full body exercises mixed with Ryan’s favourite – the rowing machine.

The Rower Challenge
  1. 500m Row –  50 Squats to a bench
  2. 400m Row –  40 Push Ups
  3. 300m Row –  30 Walking Lunges
  4. 200m Row – 20 TRX Rows
  5. 100m Row – 10 Burpees


Can you challenge Ryan – his best is 9 mins and 23 seconds.
Starting out? A great goal would be less than 20 minutes as you get into the swing of things and aim to work to less than 12 minutes for The Rower Challenge.
Incorporate this in your weekly programme as a quick 20 minute blast or add it in as a great total body warm up.


  • Rowing is all about the technique, check out Ryan’s tips for better rowing.
  • Set up your workout stations before you start … when possible.
  • Push ups can be done at any level – start out on your knees and work out to your toes from there as you progress.
  • Never used a TRX? Our crew are always happy to help. You can find TRX in Studio 4 when not in use and also on the top floor in our functional training zone (it has monkey bars.)
  • Burpees not your friend? Take it easy and step it out but don’t leave them out. Simply ask any one of the crew for beginners to advanced burpee options.

Mix it up

Set rower resistance to 10 to really max your efforts. Supplement any of the movements with your choice of body weight alternatives.