Moving with a mate is so much more fun! Check out our favourite partner workouts below and get some inspiration for your next session.

Partner Workout 1 

Cassidy and Bridget take you through a partner workout. 1 partner works, while the other partner rests.

10 minutes AMRAP (As many rounds as possible)

– 6 Burpee Box Jumps (3 each)

– 10 Wall Balls (5 each)

– 14 Calories on Bike (7 each)


Partner Workout 2 

“Race Ya Mate” | 5 rounds for time

10 x Single Arm DB Push Press (each side)

8 x DB Snatch (each side)

6 x Burpee to Bar

4 x DB Rack Hold Reverse Lunges (each side)

Once 5 rounds are completed, 90 sec Hollow Rock Hold


Partner Workout 3

“Mates & Ladders” | 6 rounds for time (3 each)

2x Sand Bag over shoulder

4x double dumbell Devils Press

6x Hand Stand Push ups

8x Toes to bar

10x cals of ski erg


Partner Workout 4 

“Partnered Triathlon” | for time with your partner

500m ski erg

1000m run

2km bike (split distance with partner)

Let us know how you go with these workouts! If you’re looking for some more workout inspo, head to our blog HERE.